Betting the Ranch
As I mentioned in an earlier post in the Bob Buzzard Stack, the safety aspects of Dreamforce got a lot of attention, and now Salesforce have published the skinny on how they planned it. As you might expect, there’s a cloud for this - Safety Cloud. How Safety Cloud Software or Safety Cloud feel about this is unknown.
Trailblazer ranch was all over the news - a 75 acre property in the Californian forest for onboarding, training and development, among other possible activities. I’m pretty jealous of this if I’m honest, although living in the UK it wouldn’t be a practical proposition for large parts of the year, unless the team building exercises involved WW1 trench warfare re-enactments.
During the Salesforce sales kickoff, it was announced that there are plans for an NFT cloud. I find a couple of things hard to understand about this. First, how do NFTs fit with enterprise software? Second, and more important, how can Salesforce preach about net zero on the one hand, and look favourably on a technology with such an environmental impact? Maybe we’ll need 5 trillion trees soon.
Continuing with moves I don’t understand, myTrailhead has been rebranded as Sales Enablement. I find this remarkable as myTrailhead was launched as a fully customisable training platform, whereas Sales Enablement is generally defined as the materials, tools and resources for a Sales team. In one stroke of the pen they’ve removed about 90% of the use cases. I know it’s only marketing, but they don’t usually try to reduce the target audience. I’ve always found the myTrailhead licensing a puzzle, given that it’s an add on to an Enterprise license, so maybe this is an admission that it can be scaled to the entire company in a cost effective fashion.
Salesforce signs agreement to acquire Atonit, a Brazilian e-commerce marketplace management solution. This is the latest in a long line of acquisitions in the e-commerce space, and based on the “What does this mean for our ecosystem of partners?” section, one that competes with existing partner offerings!
The “hacker“ who was able to access PII of school personnel through a little known technique known as View Source won’t be prosecuted. Those, like me, who rely on this technique for all of our CSS tricks can sleep a little easier.
Unusually for me, a couple of flow posts in early February. The first regarding Record Triggered Flow Ordering and the Flow Trigger Explorer and the second covering the new Flow Collection Filter Element, and how its improved performance compares with the old way of doing things, and Apex.